Welcome to the Sales and Marketing Group of Canadian Kraft Paper Industries Ltd. (CKP)
The paper production facility in The Pas, Manitoba is situated in the heart of Canada. It represents what our country is all about; team spirit, hard work and humbleness while producing one of the best qualities of unbleached high performance standard & extensible kraft papers. These products are used worldwide by a diverse group of customers and for a variety of demanding applications. We offer a full range of services in addition to the high quality natural kraft papers, to suit your most demanding needs.
Whether working on new ideas or suggesting alternative grades within our product portfolio, our goal is to help your operation achieve its objectives towards a profitable growth trajectory.
CKP paper is certified in accordance to ISO 9001 Quality Management System, BPI Certified and ISEGA Food Contact. CKP fibre is certified to the PEFC Chain of Custody standard, which assures customers that fibre used in their paper is legally sourced and from sustainably managed forests. We recognize our shared responsibility to the forests, the communities in which we operate and the environment as a whole. Forestry operations are certified in accordance to ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems ensuring our environmental responsibilities are performed in a systematic manner that contributes to the environmental pillar of sustainability.
Canadian Kraft Paper has proudly partnered with Nekoté (a corporation representing seven First Nations) to co-manage 8.7 million hectares of boreal forest, the largest forest tenure in North America. This historic partnership shares responsibilities for forest management, maintaining sustainable forestry practices and certifications, protecting environmental values and bolstering strong, local economies. The forest management practices are certified to the CSA Sustainable Forest Management Standard, which is Canada’s national SFM standard.
Reliable, Renewable, Sustainable, Consistent, Strong – Canadian Kraft Sales & Marketing has the right choice for your packaging and converting needs.
Our Services
Sales and Service
Our team is experienced in serving the needs of customers throughout the world. Your success is our main focus with a goal to anticipate and satisfy your needs, exceed your expectations, and provide strong customer value.
All papers produced at the Canadian Kraft Paper mill utilize 100% virgin fiber from Canada’s northern forests. This slow growing fiber provides tremendous strength characteristics for our papers – the best in North America.
Professional and sustainable forest management ensures that the forests we manage today will contribute to future generations and the communities where we operate making an extremely eco-efficient process.
The Canadian Kraft Paper Industries Ltd. pulp & paper mill located in The Pas, Manitoba Canada is a producer of high performance unbleached extensible sack kraft paper. Our product is sold to converters throughout the world for various demanding applications, such as cement bags and food grade applications.
Our papers utilize 100% virgin fibre from Canada’s northern boreal forests. This slow growing virgin fibre provides tremendous strength characteristics for our papers – the best available in North America.
Professional and sustainable forest management ensures that the forests we manage today will contribute to future generations and to the communities where we live and operate.